The light could allow the development of cochlear implants best 2% of the population is affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
The patients in question are obsessed with cleanliness, order, symmetry, or feel overwhelmed by doubts
and irrational fears. To reduce anxiety, rituals that involve order, check or sit for hours. All this brings intense suffering. In addition, a third of these people do not feel the effects of standard treatment, so brain stimulation is even more interesting. all started in 2002 when it was found that TOCs in two patients with Parkinson's disease had significantly decreased after treated by neurosurgical intracranial electrode implantation. Six years after that discovery, it was found that the results are spectacular: In some patients, the TOCs have virtually disappeared.
Deep brain stimulation involves implanting two electrodes in the brain, connected to a stimulator implanted under the skin. This generates an electric current that regulates the abnormal signals emitted by the brain.
According to investigators, "if applied with precision, can regulate neuronal systems whose dysfunctional pathological repetitive behaviors arise."
Link listener's brain activity and find unique fingerprint to identify both the speaker and the sound heard

To train the software, neuroscientists used functional magnetic resonance image representation (fMRI - functional magnetic resonance imaging) to record brain activity while 7 people were heard by three different speakers when they said simple vowel sounds.
The team found that each speaker and each created a distinctive sound "neuronal traces" in the cortex of the listener, the region of the brain associated with hearing.
This mark was used to create rules that could decode and determine future activities so who was being heard as saying.
We have created a set of voice recognition devices that are completely based on
listener's brain activity," says the research group Lidel Elia Formisano, University of Maaastricht.
The team hope to find progress soon using fMRI to identify which person is by looking at their brain activity. So far, the best "mind reader" only to differentiate between different categories of sounds, like human voices or animal cries.
Link Scientists reported yesterday the discovery of a gene that increases the risk of being addicted to drugs
The discovery not only seeks to find a treatment for addiction to cocaine, but researchers hope this discovery can be used to treat addiction with more certainty. " If you are a carrier of this gene, the probability of being addicted to cocaine is high," said Rainer Spanagel, Professor of Psychopharmacology, Central Institute of Mental Health Mannheim, Germany. The
Scientists believe that genetic factors have a 70% addiction, making inheritable as schizophrenia or other mental illness. Studies in twins suggest that alcoholism is 50% genetic. Researchers
a version of the gene associated CAMK4 with addiction to cocaine after studying mice that had been genetically altered that gene. A particular variety was more strongly affected by the drug and become addicted quickly got more than others in the group, according to the study.
To test if the gene played a decisive role in cocaine addiction in humans, researchers genetic tests performed in 670 addicts and more than 700 non-addicts. While 40% of addicts not carrying the gene, it was found in half of addicts.
Link in the Day of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Christian and his companions pointed Starkenmann certain fruits and vegetables that smells expelled after testing only features. While scientists have previously reported that the volatile components of the precursors producidor found these foods as responsible for their effect retroaromático ", the details of this transformation were not yet fully understood.
To fill this gap, scientists developed sensory tests on 30 volunteers to assess the aromatic intensity of the volatile components (known as thiols
) compounds that were released from toilet found in natural items such as grapes, onions and peppers.
When the samples were given toilet component, it took participants between 20 and 30 seconds to smell the aroma of the thiol (and the perception persisted clothes during three minutes). The researchers also odorless deterinaron the components were converted into thiols by resident anaerobic bacteria in the mouth (the cause of this effect retroaromático). " The mouth acts as a reactor, adding another dimension to the perception of aromas
Link the brains of the chaffinches. The cooling device parts of the brain of birds up to 6.5 ° C.
When the refrigerator was implanted in an area called the HVC, which is involved in both production and mechanisms of bird song learning, they found that the birds always sing the same song, but more slowly. This area is equivalent in the human brain to the part that controls movement.
The HVC contains sizeable groups of neurons that are activated in different places during the song. The Fee and Long findings suggest that the timing of this event occurring is regulated by the HVC.
compares Fee HVC action with something similar to the blows of battery on a music box and says "cool
HVC is as slow heart rate when the battery has just
." It also suggests that a similar mechanism might work in humans, where common words and phrases each have their own set of neurons.
Link a family of three giant planets orbiting a star in the costalación hot young Pegasus, 130 light years from Earth. [Info
: one light year is the distance light travels in one year is roughly equivalent to 9 billion and a half meters] orbiting near the Sun

just 25 light years. In the future, astronomers hope to capture images of planets about the size of Earth in other solar systems. Analyzing the light of their atmospheres life could be discovered.
The astónomo
Bruce Macintosh, a member of two teams who made the photographs, said: "
is a step in the path of understanding whether other planets like Earth and life on them out there
Video and medicine.
But now, Ki Keun Kim and colleagues at the Pusan \u200b\u200bNational University in South Korea have found that this strange animal is capable of producing another very useful product. The team says this animal droppings contain
a potent antibiotic that can eliminate the bacteria Salmonella and Vibrio bacteria. It is also effective against Staphylococcus aureus, a common cause of infections [For more information: Salmonella bacteria
the reader to the link under the text.
Research direct and strong temporal correlations between optical illusions and a physiological precursor. But recently a team of researchers

Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona and the University of Vigo, Spain,
has found a direct correlation between the optical illusions and "microsaccades", small involuntary eye movements that occur several times per second during visual fixation . Although the team has not determined the neuronal mechanism behind this correlation, the discovered rules support the hypothesis that optical illusions are purely cortical.
Susana Martinez-Conde, director of the Visual Neuroscience Laboratory at Barrow Neurological Institute, said: "
These results revealed a direct link between emotions and visual perception of the illusion, and rule out the hypothesis that the Enigma illusion originated only in the brain. Our from studies of a possible explanation for a whole family of visual illusions focused on the fields of art and visual science. "
In tests, researchers are tracking the position of the eyes of subjects with a monitor video based on the movement of the eyes, while they are asking to press a button when they perceive fast moving, and next button when not perceive this movement or very slow (no illusion). The results show that rates of "microsaccades" increases very little with subjects who reported having seen rapid movements. In contrast, rates of "microsaccades" very little decrement when a subject had been slow movements.
These coincidences show a direct correlation between "microsaccades" and the perception of optical illusion, but the researchers also wanted to know whether "microsaccades" may actually cause the illusion. To investigate this possibility, the team testing an alternative hypothesis: instead of causing an illusion the "microsaccades, cause illusion and the subjects perceived both optical illusions (reported by press and release the button.)
Link of long-term memory
. In a period of two years, the experts perform the same test about forty adults who had participated in sessions of "brain fitness." Thirteen of them were between 20 and 35, another thirteen between 60 and 70 years and the remaining number of participants was between 70 and 80. Overall, the training was successful in all three groups, as regards matters amnesic (remember anecdotes, the shopping list, names and faces, appointments, etc). However, long-term, positive effects could be observed only when the informants and people trying to recall lists of words. When trying to remember other things, it was clear that the level had returned to be the same as two years ago, before training, and was even lower when trying to remember planned activities. Experts state that "the possibility daily practice the strategies learned during training sessions seems to be the key to its benefits remain therefore insist
people, especially our elders,
use their memory frequently, at least for the tasks of daily living,
because it is a primary condition to conserve autonomy.
Link that setting by the famous blind is not only widespread but may even be healthy:
a study released Sept. 10 indicated that the obsession with the famous self-esteem can trigger
Shira Gabriel, a psychologist at the University of Buffalo (New York) carried out a series of three studies on the fan phenomenon, in which particularly focused on how to admire someone who does not know personal self-esteem can affect fan. Shira recalls that " was 7 or 8 years ago, during the trial of Mickael Jackson. I loved the people who were obsessed with him, who went to trial, and prepared banners. I wondered what could cause someone to do something like
. "
One possible reason that Shira was raised and decided to explore, was that people lived
empathetic when kept track of their lives. The only thing that pleases some fans is to keep an intense but unrequited, relationship with their idols. Shira says: "Maybe some people will not feel good about themselves and are unable to obtain what they need from a real relationship for fear of rejection, feel a special connection with a famous and draw something it positive. "
For unusual as it seems, is by no means a crazy idea. Moreover, Shira found it intriguing from a scientific point of view and wondered if science would be able to measure the psychological benefits of this phenomenon. The psychologist chose a group of 348 university students, of which one fifth admitted feeling some celebrity fixation. He gave them all a 11-item questionnaire on self-esteem, the participants' responses allowed the researchers to classify them according to their self-esteem. Then asked each for 5 minutes to write an essay about his favorite star, an exercise designed to bring out everything that felt like fans. Finally, the subjects were given the same 11 questions to re-evaluate their self-esteem.
the results of this research show that the phenomenon should be considered as completely healthy fan.
In moderation can be seen as good, but too much and may become harmful, as evidenced by excessive behaviors celebrity obsession and harassment. A recent study has found that this phenomenon can even lower self-esteem and admiration that this insatiable hunger for life and a lifestyle that are out of scope can potentially intensify the feeling of loneliness and rejection of these people.
Several studies conducted in Britain have found different types of idolatry, from the simple admiration to destructive addiction. Yet another research has confirmed the existence of an alleged Obsessive, by which mania becomes idolatry, the same way that alcohol and drugs can overwhelm the life of an addicted person. At first, the lack of reciprocity in these relationships can be comforting and even helpful, such and as revealed by Shira. However, the fact of continuing with this type of unrequited relationships could become sick. Shira said: " never claim that these relationships can or should replace real relationships." Link
are remembered almost indefinitely. As adaptive organ is the brain is able to restructure itself to adapt to new conditions. This process is called plasticity: the ability to adapt to new conditions to the loss or addition of neurons, changes in the connections.
The experiment was carried out in cover her eye on a rat. This, after a couple of days and had adapted to see one eye. Subsequently allowed the rat to see again with both eyes. They resumed again binocular vision, forgetting what had happened recently regarding temporary vision loss in one of them. What surprised the scientists was that to repeat the experiment again to cover his vision in one eye, the neural network responsible for vision synaptic information still maintained that he had recently purchased and was able to act more quickly to
new situation.
As experience is likely to happen again at some point, the brain chooses to keep these patterns " concludes Mark Hübener project manager.
Link transform their national drink ... in diamonds! agave juice is metamorphosed into fragments of crystals, which are unfortunately too small to be used in jewelry. Apátiga Miguel, one of three researchers from the National Autonomous University of Mexico who have invented the "diamond tequila" last summer said: "It would be very difficult to get enough of these diamonds to make a ring." Actually, the beginning of this story dates back to 1995 when it was discovered that diamonds could be obtained from certain gases such as methane. Later, the three lab partners achieved the same result by 40% blending of ethanol with 60% water.

Beyond the national symbol, are aware that their finding may remain as a curiosity if it lacks commercial application. Miguel says: "without doubt the fact of using tequila has a certain charm. This is a Mexican product, as well as a project developed by Mexicans. However, a businessman would be in their right if I say, "OK, very nice, but why would I serve?" "The investigator added:" If diamonds are obtained both with tequila as a mixture of ethanol and water, what product should we use? You have to watch costs, but if the diamonds have a particular quality tequila, then it may be worthwhile. "
And these scientists are true to their national trade mark: after having made his first tests with current tequila now investigated rate this drink better quality.
Link The patient, an American 42-year-old who lives in Berlin, was HIV positive for ten years and had to undergo a bone marrow transplant to treat leukemia that had been established three years ago.
Now among potential donors who had a bone compatible with it, was a carrier of a genetic mutation already known to scientists but so far inexplicable. This feature, a CCR5 receptor mutation of the virus is in a 1 to 3% of European populations and appears to give these guys a de facto immunity against HIV. The Berlin team hematologist Eckard Thiel, who has dealt with the patient, has chosen that particular donor "with the added hope of seeing the patient HIV disappear after the transplant."
This case, which has caused great excitement by the newspaper, has not yet been the subject of a scientific publication. The doctor Gero Hütter, a member of Berlin, has insisted that he should raise "false hopes." He added that "this procedure is not suited, either now or in the near future, the treatment of HIV patients." He said the treatment of AIDS has not been merely a "side effect" of therapy aimed at curing the patient of leukemia.
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