The idea was to get together to set an outlet for the long weekend of December 6 in San Clemente or motoencuentro of Tandil. At first coast found as we were arriving at a different time and different groups: first, Guille and Ale, Daniel and Irma, Hugo and Maria Teresa and Alexander, on the other hand Snoopy and his wife and son, Antonio and other Ariel child with his girlfriend Claudia (VC Gilera 125), the group of Juanchis: Jorge, Alberto, Hernan Ricardo who came first with his 638 Jawa blue. Also present for the first time the owners of a 125 Zanella gray and a Jawa 350 Chopper (last-minute upset that deflates the deck of his bike and had to come from co-driver Jorge). Ultimately Jawas had gathered 10 350 and another 2 motoamigas new group. Everyone Welcome!

Alejandra Furthermore, had the aesthetics of the shirt JAWAMIGOS group and in order to be able to order them. Some were traveling to another hand, others could not this weekend but decided to go to chose the destination of San Clemente del Tuyu. The heat was oppressive as we started back after passing through an ice cream shop in the Plaza de Moreno.
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