Everything fell very quickly as a former high school teammate (Edgardo) and family friend tell us Gustavo's arrival to his birthplace in Ituzaingo. This incredible story began back in 2003 when Gustavo, shortly before graduating from vet, decided to take a holiday in Brazil on board a Yamaha YBR125. While there he called to his house and told them the "crazy" decision to continue the trip to visit his brother who lives in Australia. Barcelona meets Elke (German it college student in Barcelona), fall in love and decide to journey together for which she also buys a call YBR Milton. After this incredible journey that consisted of nothing more and nothing less to go in 6 years making a total of 47 countries 150.000Km in 6 years, returned to Argentina and and here were highly received counseling from the others by the Obelisco YBR Club and Eagles motorcycle club Argentinas (Zanella Patagonian Eagle). We as a matter of time we went straight home. We were there close to 16 hours, along with Carlos and Edgardo talking to their parents, and suddenly bend the corner Gustavo and Elke in their YBR and back, a very long convoy made up of more than 200 motorcycles were roaring their engines and sound the horns. All parked and could occupy the entire block, street and even the sidewalks, and almost instantly went out the other and we all appreciate in absolute silence how exciting it was to reconnect with parents Gustavo and Elke also welcome. Hugs and kisses were endless in the best sense, and all collectively a tear escapes us. Then came a photo shoot in the corner. Someone in 2003 had retired thinking that someday I was going to hand deliver the last part that had been on the faculty. The incredible thing is that in Europe received innumerable sponsored by companies like Yamaha Spain, to make this journey called "Around the World in YBR" and here although Yamaha Argentina is just a few blocks from his house no one came to receive ... separate comment much excitement and we all wish Gustavo and Elke in this new era a promising future.
In the last photo we left. to right: Edgardo and his son, Elke, Gustavo, Antonio and Carlos. They have a page to know the details of this incredible story ( http://www.re-moto.com/ ) can also be accessed through this site via the section "links biker."

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