The day had dawned overcast and about 08:30 am was gone in a torrential rain so first thing we talked / send text messages to overturn it and leave it for the next week surely as it is in these cases, the MC meetings are run a week. I was pretty tired and slept until well after noon .. 14hs type. I see the cel. full of messages that were going all (barbecue attended by Guille required) to pque. Rock did not understand anything!, I look at the forum and DarioTSS Jawamania Rosario somewhere that says you were logged in arriving at the Rock and there was none! There I understood that somehow had to be received and that probably would be closed Roca .. These friends "crazy beautiful" was gone just 300km to come to the meeting (they had said that though the sky was cloudy came the same). There I spoke with Pichi he was eating with John (Jawa sidecar) that the Rock had to go some way .. I also spoke with Blaze but could not.
In conclusion, the armed operation of crack mega "let the boys hold Rosario" was an outrage, or that we had planned! No rain we stopped, the only obstacle was the keeper of the entrance did not want to miss anyone and we won by fatigue juajua ..
Thanks to Adrian (not I get more!) Dario TSS and the rest of the band that was present Rosarina despite the day! Thanks to Pichi
to dive with Route 40 just quick visit to Ushuaia cruise-La Quiaca unwashed with all the "battle scars" and share with us their stories and travel experience, took over 6000 pictures!
not remember if we ever get to 12 Jawas in the Rock, that if I was a single brand and find that there was no one (only rain and mud) or a motorcycle except "12 and only 12 Jawas." Also thanks the invisible friend (Xeba) and president of the forum was visible! Lacked the framework provided by the rock every time you organize the monthly meeting of MC now postponed until 14/02, we had also been some more if it was not that there was no time to communicate but still came out amazing, hopefully soon repeat !
From left. A der. In the big picture: Nestor (Patagonia / Drome), Fabian (Chopper 639), Tony (Lovorne / 640 Sport) and Adrian (640 Carbutwin), Juan Manuel (640 Red and White), John (640 Blue Style impeccable!) Ricardo (Pichi007 / Jawa R40), Juan (640 Jawa sidecar), Dario (DarioTSS / Jawa 638 Black), Guille (Guille 2007 / day in order for the roast but it Jawa 300), Sebastian (Xeba / Jawa 638 Black) Dario (Dariojawa / 640 blue style), Miguel (640 blue style) and Daniel (Fearless / walk today but soon ruteando network with Jawa 640 style). Must be appointed to the girls who were behind the camera taking photos (Adri, Irma and Alex who had a birthday and could not come to his Suzuki 125!). Chapter
apart is the double Jawa Adrian carbu who took us for a ride to Xeba and me. I asked him to do tranqui, that! Adrian took me on a wheel above the mud and water, I begged asked! put 2 wheels on the floor and rest assured that I said I am a racing driver! That does not reassure me much juajuajua .. Going to the technical issue is that the bike pulls a lot, the wear adjusting to 1000rpm in 2nd, right there you hit a aceleradita and placed on a wheel, it's amazing! 7000rpm pulls smoothly, reached to 160km / h but 120 (about 3700 rpm) is almost "walking", a motorcycle and very nervous reaction when the press, a true thoroughbred, but there are also to say, it pulls in and you can stroll down well at low revolutions. Link
Adrian in action with double carbu:
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