Invited by the United Siambretteros Club Moreno (SUM), the Sunday we approach Step Buján Plaza King to share a frosted, eat something on the grill, talking about the passion and bikes are not, agree on a way out next, or participate in any event .. The
Jawamaníacos be able to attend were: Bocha (R-40), Carlos Blaze (Jawa 638), ZorraStyle (Jawa 640), Tony Lovorne (Jawa Sport), also said this: Juanchi Alberto (Jawa 638 with valijones) Jawinski guy (Jawa 639 Chopper), the brother of Hugo Aizaga (Jawa 640 Black), Ricardo Oso Blanco (Jawa 638 red) Mr. Dupont (can not remember the name), big Jawinski (Gilera GT215), Loquillo (Tricycle Suzuki) and The Viking (Yamaha 650 Dragstar). The meeting was Siambretteros and classic in which besides the Siambrettas and Scooters, Gilera and highlighted the Jawas.
The funny note was given by a friend of the soul (900 Honda Fire Blade) who called me from the PLAZA DE LUJAN saying that we could locate (it had been a little long my friend ..).
Memories brings us our share of the 6 th Anniversary of the SUM, where we took trophies for the "biker who came from further away" (Carlos de Rojas), the more "veteran" (Chiche / 76 Pirulos BMW 650) and clustering most numerous "Jawer West" .. This year is the 7 th anniversary with the support of the City of Moreno. We promised to join the October 24 with the presence Jawer and some surprises .. Thanks to Mario
Scelzo and Walter Rodriguez by reception ever! commit our presence to this year!
It soon becomes an open invitation for 25/04: Exit to Zarate, Camping Las Tejas. Departure 08:30 am Esso West Highway and Route 23. See more details at:
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