Sunday, January 9, 2011

Whats Does A Headscissor

Minesweeper accessible - Apple's first game accessible to people with limited mobility. A great example

The company has available for users of iTunes, the first game for their teams, adapted for people with disabilities physics. Minesweeper is an application available Jonathan Chacón, who h become the first designer to design blindness in an application for the Apple company.
creation applications such as "Minesweeper Accessible 'are an example to follow. This is an application adapted for people with physical disabilities such as blindness, for the deaf or disabled.
creators, native of Seville, have adapted the game features and used voiceOver system Apple devices to develop your application.
Running 'Minesweeper Accessible' equals that of the classic game of Minesweeper, but adapting their characteristics. The size of the buttons and audio or visual elements, according to the selected game mode, allow their use by users with a disability as described above.
The 'Minesweeper Access' is available on Apple iTunes. The application is priced at 0.79 cents and is available in 5 languages, including English.
The application is recommended for ages four years and requires a version IOS 3.0 or higher. 'Minesweeper Access' is available for iPhone, iPad and iTouch. On the website is advertised to users that the game will have future updates with more languages \u200b\u200band improving their accessibility.


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