Sunday, May 31, 2009

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Pque Monthly Meeting. Roca-May. '09

From the incitiativa Ale and Guille, would be large in the call for Jawamigos pque. Rock, but a day before a Jawer friend who had gone to San Vicente on May 1 said that there was no more a meeting of Classic Motorcycles at in pque. Roca so when in doubt chose not to go. Together with my friend Carlos (flare) we decided to go anyway and the truth and we confirmed that there was continuing as usual on 1 Sunday of each month. It started with a bad entente sudecido at the April meeting in which a tiny group of riders complained about the bonus of $ 4 to park, but authorities pque. clarified that it is just a bonus contribution (will) .. finally, beyond the issue and returning to the meeting, when we arrived we met with Ale, Guille (Jawa 300), Daniel and Irma (640 Jawa red) and Adrian (Kimco 125) of Jawamigos. They were also as usual Oscar and Estela / Osvaldo and Grace with their Jawas. We met Aldo and red Jawa picture as it does regularly been there for their crafts in leather to offer in motoencuentros.
is always nice meeting new people and met Jawer a new friend that lamenntablemente not remember the name, but if your red Jawa was very particular: I had a orginał Jawa sidecar spectacular!. So many beauties of motorcycles, many friends It has taken us almost all afternoon and had no time even with a few mates comaprtir Ale, Guille, Daniel and Irma who went to have ice cream at the station of Villa Lugano, a penalty .. Arrival
17:30 pm we headed home and while visiting the General Paz kept thinking about the nice day we'd had.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blueprints For Pellet Traps

Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Methods

  • Direct observation of therapeutic activity by both the patient and the therapist.
  • The patient quickly understand and learn the task assigned.
  • The patient is encouraged with their level of participation.
  • objective can appreciate the evolution of the process.
  • may apply changes to prevent errors or to adapt to changes.
  • The method or protocol is customized for each patient.
  • It helps in the process of paralysis.
  • is a safe method. It treats
  • ease children to adapt to the computer gadgets playful.
  • able to treat elderly because it facilitates concentration on the therapy.
  • can be applied in patients with some level of intellectual disability.
  • You need quality equipment and high performance.
  • The care and handling of electrodes and wires for the patient should be exquisite.
  • small and portable equipment greatly limit the possibilities of therapy.

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Miofeedback with Applications

Justificar a ambos lados
Active (positive)
: if we perform muscular work intentionally or voluntarily, we will consider as a variant of positive or active, we will always involve an increase in muscle activity and, hence, are widely used for training and muscle strengthening or improvement of other biological activities. An example would be to apply the electrodes on the muscle mass of the paretic group and instruct the patient to try to get it while you observe the response on the screen to try to overcome.

Passive (negative) : if we try to reduce muscle activity voluntarily maintained unintentionally (such as hypertonicity or contracture), we will consider a work methodology negative or passive. And seek controlor in decreasing muscle relaxation activity, or the lower control other biological activities. An example would be to place the electrodes in a muscle group with great hypertonus, and prompt you to observe the level of muscle tone represented on the screen, which keeps unintentionally, to attempt a voluntary basis, lower the level displayed on the screen.

miofeedback combination with electrical stimulation
miofeedback detected The voluntary muscle activity. Electrical stimulation causes involuntary muscle activity. In this technique usually alternate active work miofeedback detected by the electrical stimulation. Throughout the session the miofeeback will show the gradual strengthening of the state or fatigue or changes in voluntary work. When the muscle or muscle group requires a strengthening of transcutaneous electrical stimulation, applied to train and in the next cadence, observe the results. The electrodes must be different for each function.
Active work can occur in both stimulation time and in that of deteccción. The equipment must be perfectly coordinated to separate the detection myoelectric stimulation. Should never be working miofeedback detection while electrical stimulation is applied, and that can be injected up to 100 volts on inputs that are ready to capture millionths of volts.
processes will be implemented in peripheral paralysis partial, selective toning a muscle fascicle and muscle atrophy global.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

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Miofeedback Miofeedback

  • central nervous system lesions (hemiplegia, hemiparesis, cerebral palsy, etc).
  • peripheral nervous system injuries.
  • treatment of incontinence.
  • Training
  • myoelectric prosthesis for amputees. Improving
  • movements and tasks entrusted to the patients. Strengthening
  • atrophic muscles and not integrated in the chain synergy. Empowerment
  • muscle.
  • Proprioception and neuromuscular function restablacimiento lost. Training
  • up and gestures.
  • relaxation of contractures.
  • dyskinesias.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

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  • People who do not understand the slogans such as: greater senile, weak mental children early age because find it difficult to interpret can cause increased the symptoms
  • Patients who are not interesting since
  • photosensitive epilepsy, a doctor judges
  • any disease patients who are untreated or medical control
  • When contradicts attending physician

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The two procedures most commonly used biofeedback neuromuscular rehabilitation are:
  • The electromyographic feedback.
  • The electrogoniometer feedback. Feedback
electrogoniometer : training is aimed at increasing the range of motion or improving a task-oriented movements.

A electrogoniometer is a biofeedback device similar to a protractor, but has electronic components reporting directly nte the patient from making a joint positions during movement. Typically used two types of electrogoniometers. The static gives feedback (FB) auditory or visual when it reaches a certain angle (FB threshold). The therapist determines the angle that the patient must reach out and program the device to give FB when it reaches this angle. The FB may simply be an auditory and visual ringer light.
The dynamic provides constant visual FB, recording the change in joint angle during movement (motion FB).

The BF threshold, using the static electrogoniometer is used if the goal is to increase range of motion. During the session, gradually increasing as the patient gets more movement. Although you can simply ask the patient to move in the desired direction, it is preferable to add a goal to the movement, such as reaching for objects.
The therapist should observe and guide the patient to prevent movement substitute, or even assist the movement. The motion
BF is used to improve the speed and direction of motion. Typically, the therapist initially passively moves the patient's limb in the system to record the change of the joint in the desired direction and speed. After the patient using this record, practice repeatedly to achieve the same signal. Fe

electromyographic edback:
uses myoelectric activity itself, captured both needle electrodes and surface. The needle electrodes penetrate the skin and can be placed near the motor units. Used when you want to measure a specific muscle, small or deep. Surface electrodes are placed on the skin supradyacentes the muscle to be measured. Despite being less sensitive, more used surface electrodes, their relative comfort and not invasive.

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Indications Contraindications Types of biofeedback

The technique is used in a wide variety of disorders or unconscious self, but does not cure the disease, help relieve many of the symptoms including:

  • anxiety disorders, behavior
  • Control
  • drug, alcohol, snuff, weight
  • Bruxism
  • cardiovascular disorders Chronic Pain: cancer, HIV
  • Diabetes Epilepsy (in some cases not photosensitive, helps the patient to detect the aura of the attacks and prevent shock, falls). Lista con viñetas
  • fecal and urinary incontinence
  • sexual disorders
  • Torticollis
  • Tendinitis Carpal Tunnel
  • sleep disorders speech disorders
  • Sport Performance Control
  • stress disorders stroke
  • Respiratory Parkinson
  • paresis
  • hyperkinesia
  • Attention Deficit Disorders
  • psychosomatic: Asthma. bronscoespasmo, hypertension, dermatitis, migraine, myofascial pain
  • Cerebral palsy: spasticity to decrease neuromuscular reeducation
  • Multiple Sclerosis Guillain Barre Syndrome
  • Hemiplegia

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types biofeedback named as the sensors that are used to capture the signal to be correct, so are:

  • Biofeedback Muscle
  • EMG (electromyography ): provides information on the electrical activity of muscle on which are the electrodes. EMG is a not contraction monitor itself, but its electrical aspect. It is used to learn to control a specific muscular response, increasing or decreasing muscle tension.
  • Neurofeedback: EEG (electroencephalogram) is the detection No brain waves, which are:
  1. Wave alpha 8 to 12 c / s: eyes closed, letting the mind wander and imagination, decreased alertness, state of drowsiness, relaxation, quiet , medit ation. Onda
  2. theta 4 to 7 c / s: this state is prolonged and away the waking state, deep sleep, relaxing and refreshing. Delta wave
  3. 1.5 to 3 c / s: deep sleep, slow heart and respiratory activity, total physical relaxation. Coma and anesthesia. Beta wave
  4. 14 to 40 c / s: concrete thinking, understanding, normal waking state.
  • Biofeedback por temperatura: Informa sobre la temperatura periférica de la zona del cuerpo en la que esta ubicado el sensor. La temperatura de la piel depende del riego sanguíneo de la zona subyacente, por lo que se ha utilizado esta técnica como estimación indirecta de la circulación periférica , aplicándose para el control de problemas circulatorios. Estos aparatos no pueden medir el cambio del diámetro de los vasos sanguíneos periféricos, ni los cambios musculares que esto provoca, pero sí el cambio de temperatura que se produce a raíz de esto. En vasos dilatados, pasa más hot blood in vessels constricted therefore the surrounding tissues tend to heat or cool according to the dilation or constriction of these vessels. This effect is more pronounced in the limbs and fingers, where the surrounding tissue is relatively low and reacts quickly to vascular changes, which is why the sensors are placed at the fingers. For example, c hen goes through a stressful situation, such as a job interview, the hands may begin to feel cold , this is because muscle is contracted by vascular smooth As the temperature drops to less blood flow to the fingers.
  • Biofeedback blood volume : Report the amount of blood passing through a particular vessel, or alternatively it reaches dilation.
  • Biofeedback by breathing: tension sensors are used, about chest or abdomen and measured breathing rate per minute and amplitude of inspiration.
  • Biofeedbak by electrodermal activity : is measured by an apparatus that records the response galvanic skin, is a measure of sweat gland activity, which is not directly measurable , however, the electrically conductive sweat contains salts that make the skin more or less conductive of electricity. used for this electrically charged electrodes in the palm of the hand or the surface of the fingers, because there is no greater number of glands.
  • Biofeedback by blood pressure, heart rate : Report the number of heartbeats per unit time in order to identify both the frequency and regularity of the heartbeat. It uses a digital pressure sensor placed in the thumb, measuring the arterial pulse. It is often used to control tachycardia.
  • vocal Biofeedback: microphone captures the voice of the subject, the interface will translate the signal in a wave chart where you can calculate several parameters : presence or absence of sound, voice intensity , timbre, pitch (frequency) and so on.
  • electrokinésico Biofeedback: Informa about a particular movement, is useful in muscular rehabilitation procedures as a complement to EMG biofeedback . Its use has increased in sports.

Monday, May 4, 2009

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How it works

Biofeedback in the process of identifying five stages:
  • signal detection.
  • amplification.
  • processing and simplification of the signal.
  • signal conversion. Information
  • subject (feedback).

signal detection: In this first phase the patient is placed electrodes (probes or sensors) charge to register or pick up the signal at the place where it is produced by the subject and pass into the biofeedback machine, where the same shall be subjected to various subsequent operations in order to make the signal is useful and manageable.
There are basically two detection techniques: invasive and noninvasive techniques. In the first recording electrodes are inserted into the subject through a small surgical procedure, in order to bring them as close as possible to the physiological system will be registered. In the noninvasive recording electrodes are placed on the skin surface above the physiological system to be evaluated.
physiological activity produced by the body and recorded by the electrodes can be an electrical signal directly in the form of an electrical potential (electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, electromyogram, etc.).
In other cases, the detected signal is a simple electrical property of the system by subjecting it to special handling, such as, for example, the resistance of the skin to be applied to it a small electrical current . These signals are called bioelectric signals transduced.
A third group are the natural biological signals are simply physical phenomena or physical or mechanical properties associated with certain phenomena that can be converted into electrical signals to be processed from registration with conventional physical or mechanical methods (temperature, blood pressure, movement, etc).

Amplification: the signal captured by the recording electrodes from a physiological response or process issued by a subject is transmitted into the biofeedback machine to be processed or analyzed, but given the usual low physiological signals is necessary to amplify them with minimal distortion as possible to carry out this analysis. The amplification was basically operates on the magnitude and extent of physiological response, being able to regulate the degree of amplification required by the control of gain or sensitivity that includes the external panel unit's control.

Processing and filtering of the signal: normally, the signal captured by the recording electrodes is not a pure signal, but, with this signal, the device can capture a multitude of strange signs and electric potential, from various sources outside the signal Bioelectrical we wish to evaluate. These interfering signals are called noise or artifacts . To eliminate noise or artifacts, the input signal detected by the device and is pre-amplified filtered according to different frequency ranges in order to reject them based on signs / devices whose frequencies are above or below frequency band in which occurs the bioelectrical signal to be registered. Regarding
processing there are different types, the most common are: integration and response threshold. integration is simplification of the signal Feedback accumulating and averaging isolated sets of signals produced in a given period of time in a unique signal that represents the area or set of individual signals, as they are produced directly by the subject. On the other side. response threshold functions through the provision of information or feedback to the subject only when the signal crosses above or below, as appropriate, to a certain extent previously established in the corresponding knob on the dashboard.

signal conversion: is the transformation of the electrical signal in susceptible sensory signals or power be perceived and evaluated by the subject, being the most frequent visual or auditory sensory modalities.

Providing information and feedback to the subject: this last phase takes into account two important aspects to consider. The first is the mode of quantitative information, where information on the physiological response is given to the subject for example, within the visual modality, in a series of digits or the movement of a needle on a dial or sliding scale or, on the contrary, the information can be qualitative, for example, in a series of colored lights that are illuminated or extinguished as it progresses on the level of response the subject.
For the auditory modality is more often present feedback as a tone whose frequency and intensity vary according to variations in the level of response being recorded and submitted to the process of biofeedback.
Another important aspect is the amount of information provided to the subject by means of feedback for which there are two ways, the analog and binary, the first is when each feedback stimulus value corresponds to an equivalent of the response evaluated , there is a direct relationship between them. In the binary feedback, however, the stimulus has only two states whose limit has been established before a certain level, so the only information given to the subject is only if your response rate is above or below the set criteria, therefore, provides much less information than the analog feedback.

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What is Biofeedback?

is the treatment technique in which the patient is trained to improve their health, using your own body signs. This is a autogenic technique by which the subject fails to recognize and make conscious autonomous functions of your system, edit them, and return to automate, to restore self-regulation. As the procedure for incorporating this the patient in an external circuit or artificial feedback that using more or less sophisticated devices, lets you know the current status and existing changes in the biological target function, usually by transforming it changes in another variable changes (visual or auditory usually) easier to process for this.