types biofeedback named as the sensors that are used to capture the signal to be correct, so are:
- Biofeedback Muscle EMG (electromyography ): provides information on the electrical activity of muscle on which are the electrodes. EMG is a not contraction monitor itself, but its electrical aspect. It is used to learn to control a specific muscular response, increasing or decreasing muscle tension.
- Neurofeedback: EEG (electroencephalogram) is the detection No brain waves, which are:
- Wave alpha 8 to 12 c / s: eyes closed, letting the mind wander and imagination, decreased alertness, state of drowsiness, relaxation, quiet ,
medit ation. Onda
- theta 4 to 7 c / s: this state is prolonged and away the waking state, deep sleep, relaxing and refreshing. Delta wave
- 1.5 to 3 c / s: deep sleep, slow heart and respiratory activity, total physical relaxation. Coma and anesthesia. Beta wave
- 14 to 40 c / s: concrete thinking, understanding, normal waking state.
- Biofeedback por temperatura: Informa sobre la temperatura periférica de la zona del cuerpo en la que esta ubicado el sensor. La temperatura de la piel depende del riego sanguíneo de la zona subyacente, por lo que se ha utilizado esta técnica como estimación indirecta de la circulación periférica , aplicándose para el control de problemas circulatorios. Estos aparatos no pueden medir el cambio del diámetro de los vasos sanguíneos periféricos, ni los cambios musculares que esto provoca, pero sí el cambio de temperatura que se produce a raíz de esto. En vasos dilatados, pasa más hot blood in vessels constricted therefore the surrounding tissues tend to heat or cool according to the dilation or constriction of these vessels. This effect is more pronounced in the limbs and fingers, where the surrounding tissue is relatively low and reacts quickly to vascular changes, which is why the sensors are placed at the fingers. For example, c hen goes through a stressful situation, such as a job interview, the hands may begin to feel cold , this is because muscle is contracted by vascular smooth As the temperature drops to less blood flow to the fingers.
- Biofeedback blood volume : Report the amount of blood passing through a particular vessel, or alternatively it reaches dilation.
- Biofeedback by breathing: tension sensors are used, about chest or abdomen and measured breathing rate per minute and amplitude of inspiration.
- Biofeedbak by electrodermal activity : is measured by an apparatus that records the response galvanic skin, is a measure of sweat gland activity, which is not directly measurable , however, the electrically conductive sweat contains salts that make the skin more or less conductive of electricity. used for this electrically charged electrodes in the palm of the hand or the surface of the fingers, because there is no greater number of glands.
- Biofeedback by blood pressure, heart rate : Report the number of heartbeats per unit time in order to identify both the frequency and regularity of the heartbeat. It uses a digital pressure sensor placed in the thumb, measuring the arterial pulse. It is often used to control tachycardia.
- vocal Biofeedback: microphone captures the voice of the subject, the interface will translate the signal in a wave chart where you can calculate several parameters : presence or absence of sound, voice intensity , timbre, pitch (frequency) and so on.
- electrokinésico Biofeedback: Informa about a particular movement, is useful in muscular rehabilitation procedures as a complement to EMG biofeedback . Its use has increased in sports.
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