From the incitiativa Ale and Guille, would be large in the call for Jawamigos pque. Rock, but a day before a Jawer friend who had gone to San Vicente on May 1 said that there was no more a meeting of Classic Motorcycles at in pque. Roca so when in doubt chose not to go. Together with my friend Carlos (flare) we decided to go anyway and the truth and we confirmed that there was continuing as usual on 1 Sunday of each month. It started with a bad entente sudecido at the April meeting in which a tiny group of riders complained about the bonus of $ 4 to park, but authorities pque. clarified that it is just a bonus contribution (will) .. finally, beyond the issue and returning to the meeting, when we arrived we met with Ale, Guille (Jawa 300), Daniel and Irma (640 Jawa red) and Adrian (Kimco 125) of Jawamigos. They were also as usual Oscar and Estela / Osvaldo and Grace with their Jawas. We met Aldo and red Jawa picture as it does regularly been there for their crafts in leather to offer in motoencuentros.
is always nice meeting new people and met Jawer a new friend that lamenntablemente not remember the name, but if your red Jawa was very particular: I had a orginaĆ Jawa sidecar spectacular!. So many beauties of motorcycles, many friends It has taken us almost all afternoon and had no time even with a few mates comaprtir Ale, Guille, Daniel and Irma who went to have ice cream at the station of Villa Lugano, a penalty .. Arrival
17:30 pm we headed home and while visiting the General Paz kept thinking about the nice day we'd had.

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