Its main properties are its good thermal insulation, inert to acids and withstands high temperatures. These properties and the low price of raw materials, have been popular in many industrial applications. Material characteristics allow the fiberglass is molded with minimal resources, the artisan skill usually sufficient for self-yourself parts such as kayaking, sailing hats, surfboards terminations or sculptures, etc.. It should be noted that the chemical compounds with which it works in your molding damage health and may cause cancer. There are guidelines that describe the fabrication and molding fiberglass and artists who have used it for his work as Niki de Saint Phalle. The field is wide utlizaciĆ³n armored vests, helmets, Antennas, sleds, fireplaces, insulation, calculators, etc..
Fiberglass is also used for optical fiber cables used in the world of telecommunications to transmit light signals produced by laser or LEDs. Also used as thermal insulation in construction, mode of blankets or panels of a few centimeters.

Although it is unknown when, how or by whom it was discov ¬ ered glass, is well known that it is an element of ancient origin. Are no records of the use of fiber glass in ancient Egypt, more than 2,000 years. Syrians also used this technique to treat the glass.
There are several types of fiber. They are classified according to the type of glass (A, D, E,) and according to the spatial (roving, mats, veils.)
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