Emilio's conference at the University of La Matanza was spectacular! it was as if we had traveled with these more of 730000 KM, Princess Negra Porto ten, just take some pictures and do not take to film, but in my stay all the stories we tell, this guy is incredible, a genius, eggs bull to do what he did. He had seen the week before the LORD (in capital letters) in the program Motocafe where summed up how he started "shooting." The truth is that I felt adminiraciĆ³n for their courage, perseverance, courage, resilience and tenacity (sure I fell short).
Emilio Scotto, the greatest traveler in 2 wheel drive, the man who took a GoldWing to visit around the world 2 times, the tireless reporter generator anecdotes and dreams, a fantastic story and a whole life teaching. The following is a brief overview of the life of Emilio:
At its heart was a cud since I was 9 years: find all countries in the world. At that age he told his mother "tomorrow I will travel the world" and mother replied, "tomorrow you will go to school," since that day he turned his mind to fulfill a dream, go around the world started buying Atlas, maps and cartography and was certainly learn one day his dream into reality
GCA A age 30 he quit his job and in the early hours of Monday January 14, 1985, Emilio Scotto set off from Buenos Aires in pursuit of a dream. He left behind the safety of their daily life, his family, his girlfriend Monica and her friends, and riding a Honda Gold Wing GL1100 motorcycle, which he affectionately called "Black Princess" headed north along the Atlantic coast. In his mind had a project: to give the World Tour.
And in his pocket all his capital: $ 300 and a camera rather battered. Nobody would have bet a penny that would make such an undertaking.
Ten years, two months and 20 days later, at 12 noon on April 2, 1995, Emilio returned to Buenos Aires mounted on the same motorcycle. Headed by the emblematic Avenida 9 de Julio escorted by police siren all, followed by three thousand motorcyclists and motorists who cheered as a hero. Reached the foot of the obelisk, removed his helmet, gave thanks and a pat on the tank on his motorcycle, and then shut the ignition key forever. Emilio Scotto had become an impossible dream into reality. Black Princess had led his 735,000 miles (the distance from Earth to the Moon and back) on two consecutive laps of the world, one in the sense of clockwise and one counterclockwise. He had crossed the 6 continents, his motorcycle had used his original engine but an engine made a new, 6 seats, 12 batteries, worn tires 86, 750 liters of oil burned, 48.000 liters of gasoline consumed, and filled 13 passports of 64 pages each one. And what's even more impressive, Emilio had visited a whopping 232 countries, representing 97.5% of the earth. In his travels he had learned 5 languages \u200b\u200band dialects, was imprisoned 6 times, was arrested under the assumption of being a trafficker, Russian spy and being an agent of Libya's Colonel Gadhafi, also was accused of being a spy for Rwanda, he met cannibals and contracted malaria, he lived between revolutionaries Mercenaries Tuareg nomads, political refugees, soldiers, prospectors, pygmy tribes and Tibetan monks and others (miraculously saved his life on several occasions). He has survived wars and desolation, witnessed public executions and human sacrifices, he saw first hand the poverty, human misery and known spirits very hard, was kicked and tortured in one of his arrests and survived rainwater taking his clothes, eating insects and animals that should be afraid to touch. But he has also breathed air so pure, seen the stars in the desert, has experienced incredible places cultures and people. Five years later
have departed, he joined his girlfriend Monica to follow link shrinking journey together in India in a traditional Hindu ceremony. An interesting anecdote: In a village in Mexico not remember now, every year people take their loved ones dead from their graves and take them home in one of the photos you can see the father of the people in that photo.
Nobody ever traveled or met both mounted on a motorcycle, its history was compared with that of Marco Polo (reincarnation baptized some media), Magellan, Columbus, and even Neil Armstrong, and was told in hundreds of magazines and newspapers around the world. In its long journey Emilio Scotto was received by Pope John Paul II, Isabel Peron, Raul Alfonsin, Maradona, Mario Vargas Llosa, Carlos Menen, Muammar Qadhafi, Tom Cruise, and "Buzz" Aldrin (astronaut who went to the moon in Apollo 11) among other celebrities .. In 1994 the city of New York was officially proclaimed on May 27 as "Day of Emilio Scotto in New York City." And in 1997 his achievement was crowned again as he entered Guinness Book of Records under the title "The Greatest Journey of History." This record is kept up to date and currently appears in the online edition of Guinness World Records in 2005 under the title "King of the Road" ( King of the Road.)
But as we said, at the end of his long odyssey Emilio had made the difficult decision to withdraw his motorcycle, to be admired in museums and exhibitions around the world. In fact, the famous motorcycle was brought from Europe (where it was exhibited) to the United States, and now sits beside a permanent exhibition of 300 photographs taken during their long journey in the Living Museum Automobile and Motorcycle Riverside Hotel and Casino in Laughlin, Nevada, an hour from Las Vegas. Emilio
also took a long rest to recover and embark on various projects related to its in-credible journey, including writing a book (still in progress) and making a movie, why now resides in Los Angeles, Miami and NY alternatively, where just sold an option for a possible movie that eventually narrate his adventures.
Every year in the month of June, the epicenter of the bike is the Honda Hoot, an event organized by Honda takes place in the city of Knoxville, Tennessee. Thousands and thousands of motorcyclists, men and women from all corners of the country converge on this event. To enter any brand of bike is enough.
Each year also, the division of Honda HRCA (Honda Riders Club of America) special care to choose a character that will act as Grand Marshall (Grand Marshal) of the Honda Hoot. This appointment carries a great pride, and are generally selected motorcycle champions or famous artists. Emilio Scotto
This year was nominated to serve as Grand Marshall Honda Hoot 11th. This is the first time in its history that American Honda nominate a Latino for the position of honor.
But the question asked Honda was: What bike would handle Scotto from Los Angeles to the Honda Hoot in Tennessee? Scotto roundtrip cover 10,000 miles through 12 states.
But it would be a Gold Wing with a distinct personality.
The aim was to create a Black Princess II, with features derived from the original-which gave twice around the world, but with the 1800 amendments would also in a plane outside the world of conventional bikes. To achieve such an undertaking RedRider HRCA and the Journal went to one of the most innovative and best designers in the country, the Special Projects Division of Engineering Cobra. Cobra
works very efficiently and with a surprisingly streamlined depending on special projects, falling these on its director, Ken Boyko and Denny Berg, to carry out its construction.
(Sources: Informoto / Wikipedia / Motorcycles Riders).

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