If the braking efficiency is reduced may be because air has entered the brake system, in which case the installation must be purged. It's also good to purge every time you replace a damaged item and the bowler, or whenever the servo circuit is opened for repairs.
General Instructions.
- Device assistance should not be acting during the operation (the engine is stopped).
- Fill the reservoir with brake fluid as possible and ensure that the tank is not emptied during operation of bleed (back to fill in the case), leaving open the lid of the tank.
- By being willing brake circuit "X" This should be done at each wheel bowler in a specific order, that is, back left, front right and rear right, front left.
- Brake Bleeding must be done between two people.
- During the brake bleed the brake pedal is activated quickly by stepping on and releasing it slowly to avoid this is to give around the o-ring is in the master cylinder causing a major breakdown.
- First remove the rubber cover that covers the bleed valve of the bowler. Screw inserted into a transparent tube, the other end of the tube submerged in a container of brake fluid (figure above).
- Loosen the screw with a wrench (usually 8). Then step on the pedal (the other person) so quickly down and up slowly, doing this several times until the liquid flow through the tube without bubbles, and then with the pedal fully depressed, tighten the bleeder.
- Repeat operation on all four wheels in the order recommended by, checking in each, the tank is full so that no air in pipelines. After the operation, filling the tank to the level indicated.
- If the review of the circuit has been completely or you need to change your brake fluid should drain the system starting from the tank by sucking the liquid with a syringe or something, fill the reservoir with fresh fluid and opening the bleed screws leaving out the old fluid until you see out the back. Then close the drain screw with the pedal fully depressed and perform the purging of wheel to wheel brakes as explained above.
in vehicles equipped with ABS brakes purging is done in the same way. Just take note that any repair carried out in the ABS hidrogrupo brings to purge it.
Facts about
Brake Fluid Brake fluid is a hydraulic fluid composed of alcohol or glycerin base.
This liquid has the quality of high boiling point, so that hydraulic fluid becomes the ideal for this circuit, as this temperature is approximately about 300 ° C.
When you handle this type of liquid, we must be careful not to touch it, to avoid spills because it is hygroscopic. In effect stripping the vehicle has in the paintwork.
level should not exceed the maximum, to prevent leakage. Are we missing brake fluid will fill, it is possible that the pads wear out and in turn lower the liquid level, but if we have to fill in, we may be at a loss.
recommend the fluid change twice a year and check your level every time we take a trip.
With Electronic Image tester can know within seconds the real state of the brake fluid, measuring the level of humidity.
Source: http://mecanicavirtual.iespana.es/hazlo-sellar-rosca.htm